Watch the Fire from Across the Shore


  In the Warring States Period, there was a famous advisor named Chen Jhen. Once, while Chen Jhen was visiting the country of Cin , King Cin Huei took the opportunity to ask Chen Jhen for advice on whether he should intervene as an arbitrator in conflict between the countries of Han and Wei. Chen Jhen then told King Cin Huei a story about how Bian Jhuang Zih killed the tiger.
  The story was about a man named Bian Jhuang Zih. One day he saw two tigers fighting over a cow. He was about to pull out his sword to kill the tigers when his servant stopped him. His servant said, "Wait a moment, master. Look, two tigers are fighting over the same cow. This means a bloody fight between the two is inevitable. No doubt the stronger will win, and the weaker will die. But the stronger will also be wounded as a result. So why not wait until then, and you will just need to kill the wounded tiger that remains? "
  Chen Jhen continued, "Now Han and Wei are fighting each other just like those two tigers. Sooner or later the weaker will be vanquished by the stronger. Your Majesty, why not do what Bian Jhuang Zih did and wait until then? " As Chen Jhen predicted, Cin ended up being the ultimate winner in this conflict between Han and Wei.

Strategy 9: Watch the Fire from Across the Shore
   Generally speaking it means neither responding nor taking any actions. But it has a deeper meaning, which is to let a situation that is detrimental to your enemy develop so that you could benefit from it. In other words, wait and see how an event that will work in your favor develops to its natural end. The spoils belong to those who have the patience to wait until a situation changes to their advantage.